Individual Career Transitions Coaching

Achieve Your Career Goals with Customized Support

Our coaching packages are meticulously designed to help you navigate your career transition and embark on the path that leads to your dream career. Recognizing that every individual is unique, we tailor each package to fit your specific needs and goals. Your personalized coaching journey begins once we agree to work together, ensuring that every step is aligned with your aspirations and vision for your future.

Explore our programs and take the first step toward a fulfilling and successful career.

dream big, set goals, take action
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The Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) Assessment

The Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) is a self-rated, web-based survey that measures a person’s core energy. This comprehensive assessment includes:

  • 70 scale items corresponding to seven energy levels
  • 14 scaled items on life satisfaction
  • 11 multiple-choice demographic items

As an ELI Master Practitioner, Deborah offers the ELI survey and a detailed debrief as part of all coaching packages. The assessment can also be purchased separately for those interested in gaining deeper insights into their energy and life satisfaction.

Explore our programs and take the first step toward a fulfilling and successful career.

COR.E™: Unlock Your True Potential

The COR.E™ system is built on five core components critical to unlocking your true potential. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or a leader looking to switch careers, these components form the foundation of your performance and ability to make successful transitions.

As a certified COR.E Transitions Dynamics Specialist, Deborah will help you build a personalized program tailored to the needs of your unique transition. No matter your position or profession, Deborah’s expertise will guide you to achieve your goals and reach new heights.

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Take Action Now

Take the First Step Toward Your Dream Career

Ready to transform your career? Click on the contact button below to connect with Deborah Stephenson and start your journey towards greater satisfaction and success. Don’t wait, your dream career is within reach!